Welcome to part two of my travels! I ran out of memory on my first blog but you can visit my old post here: http://www.wherewillmyfeettakemenext.blogspot.kr/

I love to travel and have a bucket list of countries I want to visit. On the top of my list currently are India, the USA, Cambodia, Peru and New Zealand (because I love Lord of the Rings haha).

I love taking photos so expect a lot of photos in my blogs!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas photo booth
December is going so quickly this year. I think it's because I have been so busy. I started off the month with a Thanksgiving party at my friends, and ever since then it's been non-stop with work.

I was looking forward to my holidays starting on the 24th. But, my school had other ideas. They changed it a week before my holidays were due to start. They decided to move the low level camp to the 26th. I was working like crazy trying to prepare in time.

How many decorations?
They also changed the classroom for that week. This is because another company rents a part of our school and they pay electricity for it. Therefore, my vice principal wanted us to use one of those classrooms. So basically, they want us to steal their electricity.

The problem here is I set my classroom up as Hogwarts and Diagon Alley. Therefore, I have to move my materials everyday. But, I can still use it for normal camp. Thank goodness.

Aside from work, I was busy preparing for my Christmas eve party. For a few of us it's our last Christmas in Korea. I really wanted it to be special. I prepared a giant quiz. The first round was Christmas knowledge. The second was British slang. The third was, 'what movie was that song from?'.

I also prepared pin the nose on Rudolf, how many Christmas decorations on the tree? and charades.

Pin the nose on Rudolf.

I made everyone a Christmas bag. I couldn't find cracker snaps to make crackers. Inside the bag were sweets, cookies, a joke and a hat. There was also a card inside the bag which everyone wrote on for each other.

Gift bags

Table before the food arrived.
We also did white elephant. It was our first time doing it. We all got a unisex gift worth around 10,000 won. The first person picks a gift and the second person can steal it or choose a different one. This goes on until everyone has a gift. Things got a bit messy as there was some crappy presents no-one wanted and some really good items. I always get rubbish presents for secret Santa, but for the first time I got a great gift. I ended up with my favourite tea. It's from O'Sulloc tea company and it's really expensive, but worth it.

Dinner was pot luck. I made curry. Taking my inspiration from Bridget Jones and her mum's annual Christmas turkey curry buffet. Though, it was chicken curry as there was no turkey. Other people brought chicken, ice-cream, mash and Chinese food.  Though, we forgot about the ice-cream.......

The party went really well and everyone had so much fun! The best bit was the photo booth I made.

Christmas photo booth

I got the free printable signs from this blog! There are loads of different designs for parties.


Christmas stocking
Yesterday was Christmas day. I pigged out all day in front of the the TV watching Christmas movies. My mum sent a stocking full of gifts over. It was full of small things like chocolate and Christmas washing up gloves.

I made everyone a scarf this year. I started knitting in September this year and managed to make five scarves by Christmas. My dream is to be Mrs Weasley from Harry Potter.

Sadly, I wrote hand as hade..... I think I've been in Korea too long. I'm losing my English.......
Christmas scarves
Today, I'm back to work. It's low level camp. But, only 1 more day until the weekend.......

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Preview of my last ever camp...

I'm getting really excited for my last ever camp in South Korea. I've started decorating my whole classroom as Diagon Alley and Hogwarts. I hope my students enjoy it as I have spent days on it. I'll write about where I got the print outs from etc, after I finish my camp. For now, here's a sneak peak....

Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy American Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving pot luck!
I went to my first American thanksgiving last week. It was at my friend Sarah's house and it was pot luck. The Canadians in the group were joking it was a month late haha.

I have never seen so much food. One girl went to the army base to get a turkey. It was all so delicious and home made. We ended up playing taboo but the boys kept winning because I am rubbish at it.

I ended up sleeping over. We were suppose to watch the first hobbit movie, but I ended up giving up by 2 am.

I am glad I have traveled. Yes, I have seen many countries and eaten so much food. But, I have also enjoyed meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures. I got to have experiences like thanksgiving. I'm glad to have met my friends in Korea and their friends.

In other news, I went shopping at Express Bus Terminal a few weeks ago. It was crazy but worth it. My friends and I spent a good few hours there. It's much cheaper than Gmarket and other places. I stocked up on skirts. Back home skirts and too long on me because I'm short...... I also got my Christmas jumper but I wanted a more tacky one!

Right now I'm preparing for my last ever camp! It's going to be Harry Potter. As it's my last camp I am going all out. I am decorating my classroom as Hogwarts and Diagon Alley. My students are getting exciting! I am super busy though as I have to make everything by hand. I will write a post after I finish in January.

Only three weeks until winter vacation! I am having a Christmas eve party and my friend from Japan is visiting from Japan around New Years! I hope she doesn't snore..... Only joking Alex...... Kind of...... ;p