Welcome to part two of my travels! I ran out of memory on my first blog but you can visit my old post here: http://www.wherewillmyfeettakemenext.blogspot.kr/

I love to travel and have a bucket list of countries I want to visit. On the top of my list currently are India, the USA, Cambodia, Peru and New Zealand (because I love Lord of the Rings haha).

I love taking photos so expect a lot of photos in my blogs!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studios.

Harry Potter Bus
In January I finally went to the Harry Potter studios in Watford Junction. I have wanted to go since it opened but I was living in Korea at the time. I had waited until now to go as I wanted to go during Christmas.
Harry Potter Studios

You book your tickets before online for the time you want. They told us it would take about 2 hours to look around. They said the shortest anyone had taken was 45 minutes and the longest was something like 8 hours.

We got the train from Euston to Watford Junction and then took the special studio bus to the studios. There we collected our tickets from the booth. The lady behind the counter. In fact all the staff seemed quite friendly and welcoming. It was a great atmosphere.

Chess pieces 

Inside I went to the shop as I wanted a Hufflepuff scarf and wand for the photos (I'm so cool...).  I could have gone crazy with the stuff they have there but I set myself a budget.We then joined the queue, passing the cupboard under the stairs into the start of the tour. You are led into a small room full of international posters from the Harry Potter movies. Here your tour guide asked your Hogwarts House and everyone gets excited!

The cupboard under the stairs

Korean Movie Poster for Harry Potter
Going into the Great Hall
We then went into a room with a big brown door. This was the door that led to the great hall. You wouldn't believe how excited I was at this point. If it's your birthday you were asked to go to the front for photos and to go into the hall first. We hung back to have photos, but they rush you in as the next tour starts soon after, so be quick if you want photos.

We went in January so the Christmas at Hogwarts decorations were still up. It was wonderful walking into the Great Hall with all the Christmas trees around and the fire places roaring. You get about five- ten minutes to look around until the next part of the tour. The guides all really know their stuff and seem to enjoy their work. In the Great Hall you can see costumes worn by the actors and actresses in the Harry Potter movies. It is quite freaky seeing these dummies with no faces.

The Great Hall

The Great Hall

The professors 

The Great Hall

You then see the props used for the Yule Ball and more wigs and costumes. After this you can go around on your own free time.

Entrance to Dumbledore's office

The Fat Lady
Here you can see Dumbledore's office, the Gryffindor common room, the gate for Hogwarts, the Entrance for Dumbledore's office, the potions classroom, the Weasley's house and Hagrid's homt to name a few.

Dumbledore's office

Leaky Cauldron

Gryffindor Tower

You can then go into a green room section where you can have a video of you riding a broomstick made or there are photos of the Weasley car or riding a broomstick. I did both of course!

After this you have the Ministry of Magic and more of the darker scenes from the later Harry Potter movies.

Ministry of Magic

Umbridge's office
This then leads to a cafe where you can have a proper cup of butter beer! We then went outside which is my favourite area with the Hogwarts bridge and the Knight bus. There is also the Weasley car and Hagrid's bike for photo ops.

Knight Bus

Godric's Hollow
This then leads to the behind the scene making of Harry Potter with the magical creatures including Dobby. You are then lead to the amazing Diagon Alley!!!! It's surreal walking down Diagon Alley and seeing all the different shops.

Diagon Alley

There is then a corridor which shows the making of the smaller items used in the Harry Potter films such as newspapers. This leads to Hogwarts. As it was Christmas it was covered in snow and looked amazing!!!

This was two years ago so there is now the Hogwarts express and in March the forbidden forest will be added. I really want to go back and see the changes and see where they have added these extra features. I might go at Halloween next time.....