Welcome to part two of my travels! I ran out of memory on my first blog but you can visit my old post here: http://www.wherewillmyfeettakemenext.blogspot.kr/

I love to travel and have a bucket list of countries I want to visit. On the top of my list currently are India, the USA, Cambodia, Peru and New Zealand (because I love Lord of the Rings haha).

I love taking photos so expect a lot of photos in my blogs!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hmong hill tribe village and Doi Suthep

Doi Suthep
On my first free day, I had booked a trip to Doi Suthep. I booked this trip with travelhub. I would recommend this trip, but if you have your own scooter then go earlier to avoid the crowds.

I got picked up at my hotel and we first went to the Hmong hill tribe village. The journey is quite long and I was still tired from my flight. Fortunately, our tour guide was really friendly and made the journey go quicker.

Hmong Hill tribe village garden

The hill tribe village was basically a small market. If you don’t go whilst you’re in Chiang Mai, then don’t worry. The sellers go down the Sunday walking market in Chiang Mai to sell their items.

  The strawberries here were delicious! All the others I tried in Thailand were sour! >< There was also a waterfall at the village. The whole area was covered in flowers as I went on the weekend of the Chiang Mai flower festival. I managed to buy some gifts for people back home too. It is the same prices as the Sunday walking market except for, unlike the market, it is peaceful and quiet at the village.


Doi Suthep
We then rode to Doi Suthep. There were hundreds of people. Yes, it is a stunning temple. BUT, the temple is so crowded with people; you cannot get a true insight it to its real beauty. There are stalls and food vendors all the way up to the famous staircase. On the stair case are children dressed up in traditional clothes which are waiting for tourist to pay to have photos taken with them.

I preferred the outside of the main temple as it seemed calmer and had views of Chiang Mai. Inside the temple, I found to be so crowded you could barley move. Of course, there are photographers going around charging people for photos. This was the busiest temple I have ever been in (including the ones in Beijing). Even though it is a truly beautiful temple, it is low on my list of favourite temples for this reason. I recommend going during sunrise. I heard that is before us tourist go. It’s just hard to get there……. ㅜ ㅜ

Here are my favourite pictures from Doi Suthep.

Doi Suthep

Doi suthep

Doi Suthep

Doi Suthep

There was also a group of village girls dancing which was so cute.....

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