Welcome to part two of my travels! I ran out of memory on my first blog but you can visit my old post here: http://www.wherewillmyfeettakemenext.blogspot.kr/

I love to travel and have a bucket list of countries I want to visit. On the top of my list currently are India, the USA, Cambodia, Peru and New Zealand (because I love Lord of the Rings haha).

I love taking photos so expect a lot of photos in my blogs!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My last summer in Korea!

Getting ready to chase the ball.
Last week was my summer vacation. I had a week off and made a list of what I could do around Seoul. But, it didn't end up that way. The weather got sooooo hot and humid. In fact, I have been told this summer has been the hottest for years. I spent most of my time in front of my air con or walking around my local area with an iced tea. My co-workers all did the same, except those who could afford to go abroad. It's been around 33'c everyday. though, it's not normal hot over here. It's sticky hot. You are drenched with sweat as soon as you leave the house.

Saying that I am not looking forward to winter! The weather is so extreme over here! Oh well... At least I have Autumn to look forward to. Seoul is so beautiful in Autumn. If you ever want to visit Seoul, then I recommend the end of September to mid- October.

I did travel all the way across Seoul on Monday to see kitty. Her mum went away for a few days, so I went to give her fresh food.  It took her an hour to fully trust me, but even at the beginning she seemed more friendly. When I first met her she hated people (except her mum). So I was happy.

I'm sooo cute

My neighbor was at home my whole vacation watching TV loudly so that ruined it. They must be students! I can't wait to leave that apartment and sleep in peace.

Not much happened after that except me getting addicted to candy crush...... ㅜㅜ and reading two Harry Potter books.

This week is the start of the second semester. To be honest I can not wait to leave. I am ready. I am becoming a mean angry person I swear. My neighbor really does not help. They make my home life stressful.

Work is not much better. Some people don't like foreign teachers. This year has been much better. But last year was awful and it has ruined it all for me. I can't believe some people just say they hate foreigners when they don't even try. Like my friends co-teacher told her on day one that hated foreigners when they had six months to work with each other. If foreigners were not working maybe I could understand, but we pay taxes and not everyone is the same. Like the last foreign teacher before my friend. Let's call him M. He was rubbish at his job, lazy and complained a lot. I didn't like him myself, therefore I can understand their dislike. But, me and my friend have tried hard. We do our work and work hard. But, like I said that was mainly last year. This year is better but the damage is done.

Only 190 days until I fly home.....


  1. I'm sorry to hear work is not treating you well! It sounds at least like your first year was agreeable! I do think it's unfortunate that people are so unkind to their coworkers! Foreign-ness aside, there's no sense in speaking negatively about people you work alongside every day... You seem to be making the best of it though, and finding the fun where you can. :) What are you going to do when you go back to the UK?

  2. End of feb. I think.I have spent too long here. Knowing me, I will miss it when I leave haha. Plus, I made some great friends. This year is ok at work. There is only one crazy foreign hater in the English department. But the other Koreans do not like her either. You hit culture shock.in Japan yet?

    1. That always happens doesn't it?? But it's the start of a new adventure. :) Your culture shock question came at the right time since I just posted about that! :P
