Welcome to part two of my travels! I ran out of memory on my first blog but you can visit my old post here: http://www.wherewillmyfeettakemenext.blogspot.kr/

I love to travel and have a bucket list of countries I want to visit. On the top of my list currently are India, the USA, Cambodia, Peru and New Zealand (because I love Lord of the Rings haha).

I love taking photos so expect a lot of photos in my blogs!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Korean food in London - Mudo Korea

I took my friend to a Korean restaurant in London last week. I haven't eaten Korean food for ages and had heard bad stuff about Korean food outside Korea, therefore my hopes weren't high. How wrong I was! It was so delicious! The lady serving us was really friend too. We ordered too much food, but we wanted to eat everything. The price was much higher than in a Korean fast food restaurant, but the quality was much higher. There was more meat and kimchi in the dishes. If you fancy Korean food then go to Mudo Korea! Its near Tottenham court road. Yummy!

Mudo Korea

Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 premier

Back in May I won tickets for the Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 world premier in London. I was so excited and invited my younger brother as a way of thanks for taking me to Buckingham palace.

We collected out tickets from a different cinema and went to eat for a few hours until it started. When we came back we had to queue to get let in. We handed in our phones and cameras and walked the red carpet. This bit was the best bit. No-one even noticed us,, but it was a awesome experience. Now this is where is went down hill quite quickly. I expected to go in a big room, perhaps at the back separately from the stars etc. But the same room none the less. Oh no! We were push down the back hall ways past the staff room in to a Costa cafe.

We then went up stairs and it turns out we were in one of three small cinemas for competition winners. There were no seats together at the first cinema. Some people asked to go in the second or third cinema. The guard was really grumpy and said she wanted to fill the first cinema up. Some people complained we arrived first so we should get to seat together rather than the people who arrive late. But no! PMS guard was just in a grumpy mood that day.

Before being disappointed
We had to sit watching the red carpet on the screen for an hour, knowing we would never even be in the same room as the stars. In fact the people waiting outside had more of a premier experience than we did! I mean for goodness sake, they even let Jordan (or Katie Price, whatever she calls herself now days) in!!

The movie itself was really good! Jennifer Lawrence is a brilliant actress. I want to read the books now.

I really think in future they should call it an advanced preview rather than a premier. And truth be told, If I had known this was the case I wouldn't have wasted a day off work.... I felt really bad for the people who wore full length gowns and really made an effort. Oh well. I will have to meet my future best friend Jennifer Lawrence another time ;)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

London and new starts.

Natural history museum London
The reason I haven't updated for ages is because I've move to London! I got a job as a receptionist/ administrator two months ago. In fact loads of things have been happening.

First I moved to Canary Wharf (I have since moved). I have been exploring London! I meet my best friend (Dido). I also met my boyfriend. So first things first. I started my new job the day before going to Buckingham palace. I've now been there 6 months, though it feels like longer. I work on reception within a college.

When I first moved to London it was quite London as I didn't know anyone. I just explored the museum and went for walks. Though I will never go into a museum on a Saturday again! Crazy!

I have become best friends with the other receptionist during my time here. We support each other when we are getting abuse off students....

At first I went home every other weekend, but now it's once a month. Though, I think my parents are happy because I tend to steal all their food (it's hard living on my wages in London!)

That's all for now! I'll keep you updated!

London Eye

Natural history museum London

The Thames

View from my first room In London.