Welcome to part two of my travels! I ran out of memory on my first blog but you can visit my old post here: http://www.wherewillmyfeettakemenext.blogspot.kr/

I love to travel and have a bucket list of countries I want to visit. On the top of my list currently are India, the USA, Cambodia, Peru and New Zealand (because I love Lord of the Rings haha).

I love taking photos so expect a lot of photos in my blogs!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Grace's wedding.

With the bride
I went to my co-teacher and friends wedding last month. I had been to a wedding before, but I didn't know that couple very well. It was my first time going to a wedding of someone I knew.

I went with the other foreign teacher from my school. It turned out we forgot the invite with the directions on, therefore we ended up getting lost. Luckily, we saw this adjusshi running. He look like he was headed for a wedding so we followed him. He ended up leading us to the right wedding and we got there in time.

We first went to the bride room. This room is where the bride sits to have pictures with guest. I always find this strange, as back home the bride is normally stressed by this point. Though, Grace is the calmest person I know. She never seems to get stressed.

Korean wedding hall
Grace look so beautiful. Grace is always beautiful and elegant, but even more so this day. She was 7 months pregnant at the time but you could not notice the bump at all. One of the teachers from my school brought her daughter. She kept following Grace around because she wanted to follow the princess.

The wedding hall was so elegant with candles everywhere. After, we went to the buffet. I love Korean buffets as there is so much choice. I ate so much (as usual).

I was so happy to see Grace get married This was a wonderful memory for the end of my time in Korea.

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