Welcome to part two of my travels! I ran out of memory on my first blog but you can visit my old post here: http://www.wherewillmyfeettakemenext.blogspot.kr/

I love to travel and have a bucket list of countries I want to visit. On the top of my list currently are India, the USA, Cambodia, Peru and New Zealand (because I love Lord of the Rings haha).

I love taking photos so expect a lot of photos in my blogs!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sheep cafe

Sheep cafe
Another cafe I visited during my time off was the sheep cafe. It is not called the sheep cafe. It's actual name is 'Thanks nature cafe'. The reason I call it the sheep cafe is because there are two sheep outside.

I ordered watermelon bingsu. It was so delicious!!!! ><. Though, it was too much for just one person. I really want to try some of the other stuff on the menu. It all looked good. The owner was really friendly as well.

The whole cafe is decorated in sheep art. Outside there is two sheep. It was really hot so they were sleeping. By the looks of the pictures next to them, they get taken for walks so that is good.

If you want to go to this cafe then go to Hongdae station. Walk straight from exit 9 until you get to the main road that leads to the university. Turn left towards the university and walk up. It is on your left. It is in the basement level so you need to keep your eye out for it.

Sheep cafe

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dog Cafe

Rub my belly!!!
Last week was my first holiday. My summer holidays have been split because camp is in the middle. I spent it visiting cafes and doing odd jobs.

The first cafe I went to was a dog cafe. This has to be the best dog cafe I have been to. I have already been to the ones in Hongdae and Myeongdong. They felt less organised and not as clean.

The one I went to last week is in Children's grand park. It was split in two sections. One for small and medium dogs. The other was for giant dogs!!! The big dogs seem more focused on sleeping and playing with each other. But the other dogs wanted loads of attention. There are also four cats that live there.

I ended up spending three hours there. It was nearly empty as it was during the working week. Only students were there. It's really cheap you only have to buy one drink (6-8,000 won).

To get there go to Children's grand park (line 7) and walk straight from exit 4. It's on your right on the second floor. You should see big posters for it.


Dog cafe

My favourite!!! <3

Cute kitty

Giant cat

Puppy eyes

Dog cafe

Crazy dog

I loved him/her...

One more of my favourite

Dog cafe

Play with me!

Can you find the cat?

Devil dog haha

Cute dog

Dog cafe

Dog cafe

Scary looking but so playful

Soft doggy

Played with the kitten for an hour

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sarah's birthday!


We managed to surprise Sarah on here birthday! Yay!! I kept confusing her all week with hints. Some of which were true and some not. She thought she would be going to a scavenger hunt.

Happy birthday!
I first met her at Starbucks. I told her I had forgotten my camera and I needed it. We went to my apartment and then..... Bam! Happy birthday! Mwhahahaha It was a great day. Actually, it was a great weekend. The day before we all hung out and went to karaoke. I was super hyper. I had like 6 coffees. I hate singing and I could not drink because I was on tablets from the doctor. So coffee was my only option. I was like Hammy from over the hedge.

Actually... it wasn't a weekend.... it was like a great week. We also celebrated the following weekend. Mina couldn't make it to the party, so we met up for another birthday meal for Sarah. I am now officially poor until payday ㅜㅜ. But, it was worth it. We all had so much fun.

Watch out!

On her actual birthday (the surprise birthday party day), I made a giant cookie for her and we ate so much sugar that would make small children envious.

Evil friends!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Seeing an old friend

Last week, I went to my friends house. I hadn't been to her house since Lee Han was born. She cooked us delicious Chinese and Korean food. It was soooo tasty!!!

And guess who I got to see?!?! Kitty!!!!! I think she remembered me. I also think she has got used to other people more. Maybe because I used to have friends around my apartment all the time when she lived there. She didn't run away and she let me kiss her on the head. She even purred!!!! =^.^=

We have also set up to see Sue more often. We didn't see each other a lot before. Me and Sarah live the east side of line 5 and Sue lives at the end of the west end. Plus, Sue goes to her hometown every other weekend.

Having fun!
We all met up with Minji last week for a shabu shabu buffet. It was a great laugh! I think when we get together, it's a competition who can eat the most. We are dangerous with each other!! I am lucky to have met such great people.

It's Sarah's birthday this weekend. We have made a surprise day for her. I can't put too much information on here in case she reads it. We gave her some clues but she can't guess.....

In bad news, I went to the dentist 2 weeks ago for a check up and found I needed some fillings. My renewal bonus is no more! I also had to pay for my flight back home. Watch out England! I am back in March 2014!!! I think I am going to have to tighten my purse strings for a while.... at least until September. It seems every one's birthdays are during July- September. What happened nine months earlier??? Did the world run out of condoms????

I also discovered, due to my left over holidays from last year, that I have 0 days desk warming this year. In fact, I have one day over. I will have to take during term time! Sadly, they are all split. There are no two weeks together. I  wanted to go on a trip to Thailand, but I refuse to go for under two weeks. It's not worth the travel time or flight cost. I will instead use my holidays to be a tourist around Seoul for the last time. I will also spend a lot of time at the dog and cat cafes!!!! Yay!!!

Better go! Need to prepare for Sarah's surprise Sunday!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013